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The Linear Dimension is used to measure the distance between two points along a main axis. It will not rotate, even if the target points have different positions in R3. The measurement direction is determined by the "Measurement Direction" parameter.



For example, if you choose the X direction, it will measure the line between the two target points in the X direction. You can also choose an offset direction in one of the other two directions. Note that the measurement direction and offset direction cannot have the same value, so if you choose the same value, the code will replace the offset direction to avoid an error.

Direction And Offset


Left :
Measurement Direction = X, Offset Direction = Z.

Right :
Measurement Direction = Z, Offset Direction = X.


We have the same rule in Y direction. If you choose to measure the height of an object, the measurement direction will be “Y” and you can choose the offset direction between “X” or “Z”.

Auto Text Position


If the offset distance is less than the distance between two target points, the dimension will automatically change the secondary lines to ensure that it always connects the target points.